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Well, new school is kinda fun -
new experience,
new mates,
new teachers,
new environment.
This is when you could meet different kind of people,
from skinny to fat, from tall to short. haha.
I haven't get along well enough with all of them,
but I'm trying, i need time please! lol.
Well, here is something about my school,
its called Victoria Institution, aka SMK Victoria.
Established on 14 August 1893.
Basically, its a boy school,
and co-ed for from 6.
Oh yes, its freaking huge, but i haven't get the chance to hang around.
Anyway, i met some new friends,
1st person that i met is a guy named Gabriel,
he is cool dude, a nerdy one i mean.
haha. but actually he's not,
he can play organ and guitar,
freaking cool huh?
Then, i met also chu shen and jee xiong,
who just sit beside me.
These 2 dudes are pretty funny,
and we all called jee xiong ''gangster''. LOL. haha.
In L6FM ( Lower 6 Fizik Math ) class,
there are only 4 girls - kar man, pagan, ying jie & phei sze.
haha. Tall, short, fat, slim, they got it all,
name it and you will got it. hahaha.
Well, they got some really cool stuffs to do when teacher is not around,
the monitor assistant will switch on his laptop,
and start playing movies,
and even games. WTF. hahaha.
Cool right? :-)
The teachers here are quiet okayy,
well, at least some of them are better than the old one.
Physics for example. LOL. hahaha.
But I still miss there.
I miss those boys and girls. Coolest dudes that i have ever came across with. haha.
Missing my brothers,
Jeff Jen Yew.