Lawrence, Amanda, Bryan & Seu...
It was awesome and fun!!
Somehow, feel kinda down because I really want to watch G-Force...
But we watched ''Where Got Ghost'' instead.
Before going for movie, we went to have our breakfast at Subway, Time Square...
Geee..., you guys know how long is 1-foot??
And thats the size of the Subway's Italian Spicy!!
OMG luckily I did not have to eat it all by myself...
Oh yes, Its bloody expensive!! Argh~~
Luckily the movie was great and real amusing...,
and I love it lol.
BUT the most embarrassing moment was i screamed out when I was watching it lol.
& Lawrence just could not stop complaining!! haha~
Err..., after that, we went to Sg. Wang and start shopping!!! Yahh! x)
ahahaha Bryan just could not stop looking for clothing.
I wish I could be as rich as he is lol...
Well, after Sg. Wang, we all went to Pavilion..
Its not far away from Sg. Wang.., but its still kinda far for
But all in all, it was still pretty fun.
When we reached there,
we went to the top floor and start window-shopping..,
due to financial factor, we could barely afford anything at there...hahaha
After that, I was thinking what to buy for the oncoming birthday girl...
then, here we are, S & J Gift Shop...
well, I bought a teddy for her, and I got a free gift -- a pen. =.=

BUT UNFORTUNATELY, the pen was broken by Bryan when we left the shop...
Man, not sure whether he did it on purpose or not. hahaha!
After that, we walked to the food court to have our lunch...
I ordered a set of spicy chicken chop rice at Little Taiwan,
which cost me RM 13...
BUT that was the second time I order the same set since I first went to there...
Then, we walked back to Sg. Wang again...
Planning to head back to home...
But Lawrence took us to Romp Fashion Store instead.
OMG, the clothes is really nice,, & gee the price is even ''nicer''!!
ahahaha! At first, I thought, WHAT THE HELL, GEE SO GOD DAMN EXPENSIVE!
But at the end, because of Amanda and Seu, I bought it. xD
Well, after that, we all went back to home by LRT.
And too bad Seu was having headache at that time.., so we were kinda worry about her.
Take good care of yourself okay. =)
It was awesome and fun!!
Somehow, feel kinda down because I really want to watch G-Force...
But we watched ''Where Got Ghost'' instead.
Before going for movie, we went to have our breakfast at Subway, Time Square...
Geee..., you guys know how long is 1-foot??
And thats the size of the Subway's Italian Spicy!!
OMG luckily I did not have to eat it all by myself...
Oh yes, Its bloody expensive!! Argh~~

and I love it lol.
BUT the most embarrassing moment was i screamed out when I was watching it lol.
& Lawrence just could not stop complaining!! haha~

Err..., after that, we went to Sg. Wang and start shopping!!! Yahh! x)
ahahaha Bryan just could not stop looking for clothing.
I wish I could be as rich as he is lol...
Well, after Sg. Wang, we all went to Pavilion..
Its not far away from Sg. Wang.., but its still kinda far for
But all in all, it was still pretty fun.
When we reached there,
we went to the top floor and start window-shopping..,
due to financial factor, we could barely afford anything at there...hahaha
After that, I was thinking what to buy for the oncoming birthday girl...
then, here we are, S & J Gift Shop...
well, I bought a teddy for her, and I got a free gift -- a pen. =.=
BUT UNFORTUNATELY, the pen was broken by Bryan when we left the shop...
Man, not sure whether he did it on purpose or not. hahaha!
After that, we walked to the food court to have our lunch...
I ordered a set of spicy chicken chop rice at Little Taiwan,
which cost me RM 13...
BUT that was the second time I order the same set since I first went to there...
Then, we walked back to Sg. Wang again...
Planning to head back to home...
But Lawrence took us to Romp Fashion Store instead.
ahahaha! At first, I thought, WHAT THE HELL, GEE SO GOD DAMN EXPENSIVE!
But at the end, because of Amanda and Seu, I bought it. xD
Well, after that, we all went back to home by LRT.
And too bad Seu was having headache at that time.., so we were kinda worry about her.
Take good care of yourself okay. =)
(=.=")It's unnecessary to address me Lawrence...
ksian je pen rosak. hahaha ;D
i wonder how the incoming-birthday-girl-teddybear looks like ;)
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